Welcome to Black Lab Running

This information will help our coaches begin to formulate a training plan that fits your specific goals, needs and lifestyle. There are absolutely no right or wrong answers. Every runner is unique and at Black Lab Running we strive to embrace and celebrate each runner's journey.

We realize that goals are personal and unique, and that our athletes' goals exist on a vast spectrum of type; from times and distances, to general fitness and beyond.  

Please describe. 

The bad news is that runners need strength training. The good news is that runners don't need a lot of strength training. Our goal is always to maximize the resources already available to our athletes. Whether you frequent a gym, use home equipment or only have access to a floor and a wall, we can create a conditioning program for you that is practical and productive.  

Speed work, traditionally done on a track, is an important part of training, but there are a variety of ways to do it and with smartwatch technology runners are no longer bound to the 400 meter oval. Please describe the venues at your disposal (ie track, some other fixed loop, or just a nice section of open roads where you can run uninterrupted.)  We'll design the workouts accordingly.   

Please list date, distance and any goals you might have.

This is a loaded question. We all face limitations and obstacles, and, as coaches, we realize that our athletes have other obligations that can't be neglected for running. We strive to help you find a balance and get in the work without causing strain elsewhere. Give us a sense of the balls you have in the air, and we'll try our best to help you juggle them. 

Black Lab Running
Black Lab Running
Alexandria, VA, USA
© 2025 Black Lab Running.
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